A tablespoon for both functions?

Most people, not all people, most,
Most people desire to love, and to be loved.
Most people are incapable of both.
Most people have chosen to be incapable.
Incapable, to fail on both scores.
To fail on loving and to fail on being loved.
Now we’ve read Plato, we’ve read Paul’s epistle to Corinthians,
We have asked Uncle Google and we have read books.
Now none of these can, with certainty define love for us.
I have no idea what love is, really.
I however have always thought, tentatively, carefully, that love could be an energy.
Now I know I have to support my argument,
and I have not much substantial evidence with which to.
I also know that I desire to love and be loved.
That I know for sure.
I also know that I had to rid my aura of all bitterness,
of all anger, of all apathy. It was a process I should tell you.
And I had to go through the process. Why?
Because this energy called love doesn’t come in potions.
It’s not medicine I could buy from a pharmacy.
It’s not a potion that I could take to “have” love.
I thought, again, that love, this energy is within.
Within and should be allowed to come alive.
You rid your aura of apathy, you allow for love to exist.
Or, or you convert, you convert anger into love.
Now most people refuse to do this.
Most people refuse to go through the process.
And love, my dear is not medicine,
medicine for which you will be prescribed.
You won’t take 2 tablespoons of it from a bottle.
2 tablespoons, one for loving, one for being loved.
It won’t work.

Author: Black Licorice

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